It's probably nothing at all serious though. 7. Had this before, which led to panics. Yes, it's anxiety. I feel sick. • 10 yr. My brain just hurts all the time, and it makes me anxious. Just started Prozac again about a month and a half ago. maybe more than 10 times. They're a muscle relaxer and should give your neck some relief from the tension, which will help ease your headache too. Reply. CarcharodonRex. Spend time thinking about it alone, focus in on it don't be afraid of it, rather embrace your heartbeat and realize that all that anxiety is in your head. Head pain anxiety. Dealing with a high level of anxiety for an extended period of time does more harm than the medication you take. • 1 yr. Hello, I (20M) since maybe an hour ago have been feeling this weird dizzy feeling in my head, like there’s pressure on my head and I feel like a bobble head in that my head is heavy. So I know a bit how you feel right now. I’m a cardiophobe so anything heart related can send me spiraling quickly. pressure in the face and head. I've been directed to take zoloft with supper and this feeling comes on about 2-3 hours later and lasts all night into the next day. Slight aches. Correcting breathing pattern to shift from accessory breathing muscles to abdominal diaphragm breathing took a significant load off of my neck musculature. To sum up, about 7-8 months ago, I began getting dizzy spells out of the blue. Reply reply. Medically reviewed by Marilyn Folk, BScN. Lose of focus, couldn't focus and it triggers my headache. Some people have chronic tension headaches, and they will do better if Or this and that, because i feel weird like pressure on my eyesockets, and head, and my brain feels so foggy and heavy. I couldn't feel any emotions, even happiness or excitement. YES. Take a few ibuprofen if you can. But if it’s just a little bit of tightness or pain (usually on the left side) when you’re Now put the tips of your fingers on your shoulder. Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; Get the Reddit app Small headaches. Like head pressure idk. The alternative, however, may be that you have some sort of chronic sinusitis that causes a similar "full" feeling in the head. It's called depression after all, life feels heavy and presses down on you. Sometimes when I'm emotionally charged all of a sudden I feel like my eyes are heavy and losing focus. I n Dealing with anxiety after a major anxiety/panic attack back in January this year… has been a rough period of months and up and downs, but as of now, still dealing with it on a daily basis. The pain in my legs is always above a 6. Like when i look left and right and it’s like it’s My symptoms, eye floaters, a lot after panic attack, sometimes feel like wanna faint, high blood pressure sometimes, constant head throbbing and pressure. dizziness. You don’t need to be doing a full workout at this point, just something to help you use the jitters and adrenaline you’re getting for something productive. it's definitely all anxiety because i've noticed that if i don't think about it at all, it just disappears. They said it could be my anxiety but i just can’t picture my anxiety causing physical pain. Also when I’m having these symptoms I have the urge to crack my neck and have recently been Dude yes, not all the time, but if it’s particularly bad I do get a weird heavy sensation in my arms and sometimes my legs. Many, many people have panic episodes – including high flying and seemingly very controlled people! – so you're definitely not alone and you can get help. Hi everyone, for the past 5-6 days my body has felt heavy when I walk, and my head feels heavy even while sitting. I've been told a lot of it is due to anxiety or muscle strains, but internally I'm terrified of it being something like fibromyalgia or MS. Fix it with Vit D and calcium supplements. Working on trying everything to naturally improve my situation without meds. Eyes heavy and burn. Spongeayye. ADMIN MOD. This isn't during an attack (though it gets worse during one). It feels like my eyes are tired and I can't quite focus correctly and like my brain is a bit "tingly" and tired as well. headaches. but i can't think about not thinking about it because that's the same thing as thinking about it lol. If ER has found you healthy a few times then look into panic episodes – and feel reassured, if you can. Hey all! On a throwaway account here, hope that's ok. Last year I was put on Wellbutrin for anxiety and depression which in the end of the week caused my very first panic attack, I had an intense brain zap/head tingle fit that scared me enough to think I was actually going to die right there in my room. Muscle tension, weakness, aches and pains, cramps, muscle twitches, jaw clenching Chest pain or racing heart, heart palpitations, pounding heart, audible heartbeat Hair loss, particularly on the crown of the head (telogen effluvium) Posted by u/cocosp - 9 votes and 15 comments Hi everyone , This is my first ever post on Reddit but I feel I owe it to everyone to let you know my journey with Brain Fog, constant fatigue, shortness of breath, headaches at base of skull , spacing out, horrible anxiety (especially when talking to people), on and off emotions and weakness (also I should mention terrible dandruff through this time period) 6. Usually my anxiety is fairly manageable these past years but this made it just crazy off the charts. It's anxiety. Drinking some alcohol, even just a little, also helped in removing this sensation of pressure in the skull. And it’s been going on and off for maybe 10 days. I know exactly what you're going through. brain fog. yup! almost 24/7 for the past year essentially. (28M) So I've had chronic anxiety for about 4 years now, I've dealt with the common stuff, heart palpitations, catastrophizing, etc. Historically, I mainly had a globus sensation, occasional heart beats that go beyond 140-150 and lately I have been having constant fatigue, constant nausea, stomach pain and a very heavy head (like someone is sitting on it). It does still happen every once in awhile but not nearly as bad. As soon as I rolled a tennis ball over my tense muscles and applied a bit of pressure my head instantly was relieved of migraines and my sinus was no longer throbbing and tight. Im going to turn 19 and I don't have my license because I don For the past 5 months my fatigue has been very overwhelming. I've gotten a CT Scan of my head, though, and everything came back fine. It is normal, don’t freak out. Neck tension (severe at the base of my spine) and head tension are two of my The hormones that anxiety releases in your body can deplete feel-good vitamins over time, it may help a little to replace them. I never had felt it there. • 2 yr. I also started to struggle cognitivly recently. The goal is to recognize that it is purely discomfort and there is really nothing to be afraid of. Then slowly shrug your shoulders all the way up, then force your shoulders blades back and down. This is my first week on lexapro - so far only morning headaches, until this morning and no headache. Stop searching for your symptoms and recognize what is real. My symptoms are fatigue, malaise (generally feeling unwell), light body aches randomly, not all the time, very tired, sometimes my body feels heavy and unbalanced, which then triggers anxiety because I fear I might pass out. some. Try to exercise, get outside, write some stuff down, ring someone to talk about something. I think the key to beating this is self realization and meditation. I’ve dealt with a lot of anxiety these past 2-3 weeks about my health, and in those weeks I’ve felt weird sensations in random parts of the day but much less ADMIN MOD. Sometimes it feels like when I turn my head my vision turns a second after it. It also had been the source of my stomach issues and dizziness. My HA was through Idk if this is anxiety or what, but does anyone here has pressure/heavy on your head? and sometimes when you stand up your head is feeling more pressure, after 3 secs it will be gone ?? I don't have any headaches but I only have pressure on my head, I've been also sleeping 5 AM - 11 AM but sometimes I wake up at 9 AM and go back to sleep Body feels heavy. Totally me. Repeat. I went weeks without sleeping when this kind of stuff was bothering me and it made it so much worse. If you have this problem for a long period and it’s extremely painful, simply stroll into a doctor and let them check you out. respectableusername. Yes, something that happens to me is not only heavy head but my head feels like it has build up pressure and because of my fear of having a seizure/stroke it feels like that and last night due to being anxious from googling my body felt like floating. Heavy eyes and loss of focus. • 9 mo. Luckily I feel so much better. ON TOP of the hyper anxiety. Anxiety Resource. Same here I can’t sleep either it’s the worst. Lots of information on MCAS is controversial. I work my dream job, I make a good living… I think they were just tension headaches brought in by anxiety and poor posture. The past 3 nights (since moving up to 50mg), I've had the WORST feeling of pressure in my head, jaw and sinus area. •. For the past month or so I've been having on and off symptoms of chest/stomach pain, numb extremities and, in particular, neck pain and headaches. My muscles don't actually feel weak, I am able to lift things just as fine as I was before and all that, just my body feels HEAVY. Anxiety makes you uncomfortable, but it is not harmful. gg/r-anxiety | Please look over the rules before posting to the subreddit Members Online I’m immensevely scared of dying and losing my loved ones and it’s ruining my life Basically all this started July 10th. My head feels full and heavy. Then my face is full of pressure like when you bend over…when I’m lying in bed depending on what side it’s like it all flows that way. Past few days I’ve been nervous about my heart rate, resting it’s around 55-60 sitting / laying down and 65-70 standing up, yet I feel dizzy with a feeling of a heavy head, can anxiety cause this because i’ve never had this before and have had some pretty bad anxiety episodes in the past. Numbness, pain, strange sensations, pressure. Sometimes it feels like my skull is being crushed, and sometimes it feels like the pressure is literally inside my brain. Bring your elbows together, then all the way out pointing away from your side. Advice Needed. Your muscles are tight in your neck, your head contains plenty of muscles that are tight as well. it’s not in any way a suggested diagnosis and shouldn’t be taken as one. Sometimes it doesn't happen. It goes away once you start managing the anxiety better. Vertigo, and then a constant feeling of swaying/off balance. It took my anxiety away, sure, but I literally felt like a robot on it. And also brain fog. It's essential to take care of yourself during this time and prioritize relaxation techniques like meditation and gentle exercise like yoga or stretching. The Oct 10, 2020 · One type of headache is a tension headache, and tension headaches typically cause you to have a pain that feels like there is band of tightness or pressure around your head. 3. Notice the muscles slowly release. It is usually a moderate pain when you compare it for example to the pain of a migraine headache. There isn't pain associated and it doesn't feel like a headache, but sort of akin to the heavy-headedness that you feel when you're exhausted. I had various weird symptoms, one of which was a "tingling numbness" in my head that would coincide with me feeling extremely low in energy (even reading and typing would be super slow for me) to the point that I would pretty much just lie down on a couch and do nothing for hours until it got better. Though, I wouldn't recommend mixing Aspirin and alcohol if you care for your liver. Suddenly the thought of working out, socializing, seems impossible. I had an EMG today and it came back normal. Thank you I’m going to try this starting tonight, sometimes I feel as if caffeine heightens this feeling but I don’t know if I’m making any false Can you describe the heavy head feeling? Because for the first time this month I got something like that along with my monthly anxiety (I always have hormonal issues with my period). For about a month I've been dealing with constant dizziness, my head feels like it weighs an extra couple pounds, and my ears are always aching on and off. If your worried about it go to the doctor, if anything it could always lessen your anxiety getting a professional opinion, Personally I have experienced a tingling and buzzing sensation when in high periods of stress or anxiety, they seem to be random usually in the back of the head or the top for me. This is literally just an example of how allergies can cause fatigue, dizziness, vision problems, heavy head/weak neck, etc. It all started back in April where I was getting sharp pains in my head. The stomach and chest issues have mostly gone away but the Buddhism and Hinduism are literally dealing with these kind of issues (anxiety & depression) successfully for over 1000 years. Health anxiety fucking blows, but give it some time. People with health anxiety tend to obsess and hyper focus on every detail. It’s like my head feels super heavy and hard to hold up and it get worse through out the day. I took it for maybe a month and a half to 2 months and I stopped taking it. Strengthening of deep flexor neck muscles helped as well. My head feel like its stuffed with cotton balls while being squeezed by The Rock's hands. but now i get the heavy body and Hi all, I’m currently doing my exams and there was a lot of pressure and stress surrounding it since I want to do well, so there was a certain pressure and expectations that made me stress for a long period of time, for 8 weeks straight before we get breaks. I think by Tuesday (through trusting Google) I realized it was probably my anxiety. I'm also pretty headache prone and I feel like anxiety might cause them some. Tension headaches are common for people that struggle with severe anxiety or anxiety disorders. neck pain. It's reassuring to hear your stories so thanks for sharing. Anyway, I have no idea what it could be. Sometimes it will be dizzy, other times it will feel as though the front of my head is “heavy” if that makes sense. Does anyone else feel like your head is a fog? or like your living a video game (controlling all the moments and decisions but not emotionally attached) The feeling of un-motivation, detachment and numbness has only gotten worse (i'm 21 now). Starting to feel like my old self maybe. 2. I don't know how to explain the feeling at all. Discussion and support for sufferers and loved ones with anxiety conditions | discord. I clench my jaw as well. i never really found the definite cause of it but this one time i went to the GP (was terrified and convinced i had a brain tumour lol) and he suggested sinus issues, so i took medications for that and it went away but at the same time my anxiety was also at bay after seeing the GP. Nov 1, 2017 · A heavy head is often associated with: tiredness. sleep. Pull your shoulders back, like you’re trying to touch your shoulder blades together. It's good that you've consulted with your endo about your symptoms. Odd head tingling, temple pressure, numbness, feels like I'm going crazy. I figured it would go away after finals and I was dealing with less stress, but nope, still there randomly throughout the day and seemingly more painful. Most of it has been cleared by doctors as nothing, but I can't shake this strange sensation in my right eye. But then i felt it in my arms. You're definitely justified in your concern if light headedness is out of the ordinary for you. Take a bath and breathe. My pinky and index finger are still numb. I rarely get headaches at all only when I’m dehydrated but this doesn’t feel like a headache more like a localized pressure. If a doctor can't help you or you don't "RESPECT THEIR AUTHORITAH", try Buddhism/Hinduism. Our eyes aren’t perfect and if you’re constantly looking for flaws in your vision you’re going to find them. However once in a while I feel this…. Dealing with my heady constantly just feeling heavy and tight. . Tight neck and back of the head muscles are a huge cause of headaches and dizziness. Worst I've felt in all my life. It's worse during the day. Forward-Intern5994. Sometimes my head too, like lightheaded, dizziness, and pain, a lot actually. Exhale slowly for 8 seconds, and let your shoulders grow heavy and drop. When my anxiety is in full gear I have nausea, headaches, feeling shaky, tightness in chest, muscle tightness especially in the neck, sometimes shortness of breath, and fatigue. Yes this is all part of anxiety. This sucks, but is the best I can do for you. Pretty normal, as anxiety escalates, your concerns can evolve from simple worries to profound fears. 16. A Vit D deficiency for a period of time can cause your body to go completely haywire. Yes it does! I really just try to ignore it but it's hard to do that sometimes! i have this 24/7, but i at the same time feel high. Also I would recommend working out. Hi reddit, I'm constantly having this weird feeling in my head that's very hard to describe. You’ll need to assess your other symptoms and recent life events to Advice. I had this for a while, maybe it's digital strain because I'm a software engineer and I'm always behind a screen. ago. The past few days when I lay down my head has been feeling heavy and almost shaky, but if I touch it it’s not actually shaking. Doing a bit a lifting can help you tremendously. Its hard to understand how intensely anxiety can effect your sense of physical wellbeing, but please don't discount this possibility. When i close my eyes my head feels like it’s buzzing and all over the place inside if you get me and sometimes it gets to the point where inside feels like it’s spinning. Chronic stress and anxiety causes tons of physical symptoms as well as mental and emotional distress. I've had extreme chronic brain fog/head pressure and I can't live like this any longer. My doctor told me to relieve them, tilt your head as far left as you can, place your left hand on the right of your head, gently try to bring your head up to a neutral position, this activates the muscles. I recently had to stop smoking weed due to a bad panic attack, it’s been 48 hours and I still have anxiety. Yes and it freaks me out. Yes! Your whole body actually. Further strengthening of support muscles in back and scapular rhomboid area helped. It triggered my anxiety, making it skyrocket. For the past week, I've been having extreme health anxiety about the right side of my body, especially my head. These headaches are due to a tightening of the neck and scalp muscles. I’ve been reading… Tension headaches are your neck muscles contracted or something. It's just an overall vague feeling like there's a lot of tension behind my eyes and in the front of my brain. I would recommend maybe switching to taking it at night time, I did that and it helped me feel less brain fog. I woke up and I was dizzy, my right side hurt, and my heart felt like it was pounding. These heightened fears are frequently more pronounced and can manifest alongside physical symptoms Jul 16, 2019 · Tension Headache. I'm definitely going to reduce my consumption or quit altogether. I get stress-and-anxiety-induced headaches at least 3-4 times a week, and ibuprofen and sleep get rid of them for me. I get head pressures and brain fog all the time and along with body aches, panic state, numbness, heart palpitations, muscle cramps, neck pain, insomnia, legs feeling like jelly, impending doom. I have this chronically. I’m on mobile so can’t link to my other post but you’ll see my initial post about this a few months ago in my history. Yeah it feels like the whole body is pulled down. 1. If you’re worrying that your chest hurts or your chest is feeling tight and it might be deadly - you can relax. Yea I have had that at work the other day with slight dizziness, I really didn’t want to panic in-front of my work colleagues. List goes sugardoodl. I couldn't tell the exact thing which is affecting me. Majestic-Computer-53. I can’t stand up a lot as well because I feel more pain and nausea. Been having sharp stabbing pain in the back left of my head. I flipped out. Yes. Tired but I don't necessarily need sleep I just want to sleep. . I know that ear issues and anxiety can cause both of our problems. working anymore. I only got one migraine, though. Other times it will feel as though the inside of my head is spinning. loud dance and overly compressed pop music triggers severe anxiety, panic attacks and migraines. From the bottom of my heart, I hope you find comfort and a solution to your problem. You won't regret it! With the help of this tools, i were back to normal after ~ 6 month – 1 year. mine are tense af. Im trying to come to realize that because i experienced a panic attack that was so psychical symptom heavy, that of course my anxiety will feel the same way, or atleast i hope so. It feels like I'm high. And by the way Anxiety for long time triggers muscle spasm in the neck which causes lightheadness. Every time you face it, it shrinks a little bit. Hold for for 5-7 seconds, then relax for 20 seconds. If the anxiety persists - start a SSRI/SNRI for the anxiety. I experienced it even before getting a racing heart and a blanking mind. Has anyone found treatment or a way to suppress this feeling. I can't smoke alot. It only seems to happen when making eye contact. All of a sudden after smoking just a little too much I'm constantly yawning, like an unusual amount of yawning, and sometimes can't catch the yawn which makes me feel like I can't breathe. Had tests but everything normal. You probably have tight neck muscles due to posture, stress etc, try a professional massage (can be uncomfortable but they are worth it). The feeling is almost like someone is pressing their thumb down on the soft part of the crown of my head on the left side. I had it for 20 years and no brain tumor yet. Dizziness. My anxiety attacks mostly my chest ( palpitation, shortbreathing, pain, and more). I dont drink, I dont smoke, and I try to have a healthy lifestyle. I've had 1000+ symptoms due to really REALLY bad anxiety. Fatigue and a heavy feeling in your body can be a result of many things, including stress and anxiety. Inhale for 4 seconds and maintain relaxed shoulders by letting your belly expand. My mind will spiral and I'll be so overwhelmed that I can't move or do anything and I just want to curl into a ball. It started maybe 2 years ago. Now the next thing that freaks me out is I have a sort of whoozy head feeling when sitting/standing. This is the basis of all treatment for anxiety. I deal with mild/moderate anxiety. more than 10 times. Tension headaches can be described as severe pressure, a heavy head, migraine, head pressure, or feeling like there is a tight band wrapped around their head. Even when i aren’t anxious or stressed about anything when i wake up daily and my head just feels woozy and off. Did a lot of exams (ecg, echocardiogram, ct, mri, x rays, a lot of blood tests) and everything was always fine. Few days later this weird headache came, then recently it felt like my muscles were ripping apart and now it's just head tingling, head pressure, and my head feeling heavy with the occasional sharp pain. The back of my head is super tight all the time kinda dizzy but not bad. One of the most troublesome symptoms, though, is when I feel an anxiety surge, my head gets a pressurized/heavy feeling. Walk around the block, take a stretch break at work. heavy head, heavy arms, heavy legs, body feels like it's laggy, eyes tongue hands legs arms twitch, numbness in hands head legs, dizzy, not breathing, breathing to much, ears very sensitive to noise, eyes very sensitive to lights, hyper aware, limbs feel like they are not attached, feel like I'm going to swallow my tongue, the shits, heart beats very fast can feel the pounding through my body It’s been a long painful journey these past 4 years. sproxxt. My head just felt heavy I had to put my head down for a bit. Lost_Charity. A few months ago, I went an entire weekend constantly feeling slightly lightheaded and dizzy. Get up and do something to release all your pent up adrenaline. Yes I’ve felt this more in the beginning. Yup exactly as u described. Short intro, I'm 33M, married, with a 1-year old. taytayhatton. • 5 mo. I really struggle with this weird pressure in my head. 11. I had fully convinced myself that I had a brain tumor (I have anxiety and especially bad health anxiety). I don't feel like im here anymore or like im even alive. They feel weak and sometimes tingly. Often gets light and worse depends. Gonna repost my symptoms: I got up from chair rather quickly, felt very weak for 5-10 seconds, so far no pressure or tension in the head, but then suddenly extreme pressure in face and head from all sides inwards occurred - head felt bloated (filled with more blood), swollen like a balloon, both ears became closed (clogged-sounding). Also uncomfortableness in general, like if i feel heavy i might walk awkwardly or dance stiffly. I just started noticing it recently it’s kinda creeping me Out!! This sensation comes and goes but when I do have it I get really afraid. Some other times the same thing occurs while I watch a movie. I have the same thing except the throat tightness, I did many test for ear,head ,sinus,x ray for neck and blood test, they are all normal, Doctor said this could be from anxiety or the muscle spasm in the neck. The dizzy spells and lightheadedness went away soon after. Every time you give in to anxiety, it grows a little bit. It felt so I was almost going to have an anxiety attack but I just felt really frustrated and I told my team lead that I needed to take a break. It was tense neck and back muscles. Mostly the day after having alot of anxiety. Dizzy/off balance feeling - update. I will feel so heavy like unnaturally heavy. Recently I changed my meds, after 3 years, because they weren't. Hey, get your Vit D and B12 levels checked. so weird. I also can't smoke wax anymore and I was dabbing heavy as fuck just 3 months ago. It passes ☺️. My head itself feels… Anxiety is crazy man. I struggle to understand whats being said, cant read or watch Today, I tried to get more potassium through low-sodium V8 juice but at work, I started feeling the head sensation and feeling slightly more anxious. the dizziness, heavy body, and weird random head pains/pressure are all so me. Goes on for weeks. Feeling heavy, like you are made of lead or that gravity is making you feel heavier than normal is a common anxiety disorder symptom, including anxiety and panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, and others. I would get a weird tingling sensation in my hands, I gained weight, and it just made me feel weird. I’ve had this kind of thing before, but usually with stress and lack of sleep. Maybe this has been talked about in other posts but i'm new to reddit and for once wanted to be transparent about my brain. That heartbeat is always there, albeit slightly slower, its just that the part of your mind that is responsible for tuning it out is on full alert. Super hyper aware of my heartbeat but when I had my panic attack I got so freaked I called 911 but when the EMTs did the EKG it came back generally normal and healthy so that definitely made me feel better but it’s hard to shake anxiety in general even with I had therapy last weekend and told my therapist what I was feeling and she said head pressure, headaches, tension that sort of radiates up the back of the head are all symptoms of anxiety. ive suffeëd from extreme health anxiety as far as i remember, and thats a good 50 years. I think you’re right, and that’s exactly what my eye doctor explained to me! Most people naturally tune out all of this stuff. Yeah, head shaking and neck twitching was one of the first symptoms I ever noticed when I suddenly got socially anxious. Hi all! I (24/F) have had a near constant lightheaded/dizzy feeling for about 3 months now. Also feeling detached and "fuzzy" in my head. Im 18f. It isn't necessarily painful but it feels like my eyes are about to pop out of their sockets. Like there's something wrong with my physical brain. To the point my left hand went numb. During this time is when the symptoms started. also i grind my teeth. If heating pads or massages don’t help my best advice is to drink lots of water, try some breathing exercises, and get. It feels like there are weights attached to all my limbs and I'm I have been feeling this really odd, hard-to-describe almost “dizziness” unsteady, off feeling for about a month and a half. the head pressure is most likely from shoulder & neck tension. My upper body as a whole feels tired and foggy. Which is strange as I have no problem listening to various types of metal, but the compressed artificial drum beats are usually what sets me off. It's more of an all day, everyday thing. Then it slowly dissipates and I feel physically sick like a fever without an actual fever. I haven't pinpointed what it is, but I believe it's either a huge amount of stress or lack of sleep. Mar 30, 2022 · Anxiety And Feeling Heavy. wi hl cf yu lv yb aq sp sq gm