But he was also envious. He knew he was powerful. " McGonagall introduced Harry to a lanky upperclassman. While Lucius Malfoy and the Dark Lord weren't too bothered about the Potter boy, it was the principle of the thing. The First years were amazed of how neat the castle was. Harry sat at the table sipping a cup of tea watching the brother's banter back and forth while he contemplated the erratic turn his life had just taken. A strangely familiar ceiling met his eyes, confusing him at first, before filling him with complete horror. Hermione had been complaining about no Defense Against the Dark Arts class and how far they were falling behind. This is the result! :D. Chapter 1 – Ungrateful. Summary: Harry's the Boy-Who-Lived. It was something that deep down he had pursued for as long as he had known the man. A Godfather's Bond by arwenraven reviews. Chuckling lightly he leaned in and whispered seductively in her ear, "I'm not sure I can keep my hands off you for that long. While the DE's coming at the end of 6th year happened, Dumbledore didn't die. Minerva had introduced him to the first years and while they were all a bit star struck Not a child By: Cheeky-Chick1only. Protecting them from bullies, teaching them life skills/Slytherin skills, and just generally mentoring them. Bill wonders Harry is kidnapped by Voldemort and forced to take on the role of his apprentice at the end of first year in Warning Signs Read Desolation. Instead he was taken, hidden from the wizarding world and raised by Augusta Longbottom. When Harry defends the Slytherin house from having to go to the dungeon, where the troll is, there are things that end differently. ' And quite honestly,' he turned away from the painted portraits, thinking now only of the four-poster bed lying waiting for him in Gryffindor Tower, and wondering A Time and Place to Learn By: VictorianChik. , Cedric D. Malfoy is, obviously, the year king for Harry's year. Once everyone was gone, Harry moved to close the door before starting up towards the potion master's desk. asked Professor Dumbledore quietly. She grabbed his hand, and they apparated to a garden belonging to Harry and Ginny. FanfictionBot. , Hermione G. The Rebellious Wizard 1. Thank you. Fleur pressed a hand against her nose delicately at the ghastly smell but kept padding the cool rag against Harry's sweaty neck. Lessons For Life by Caitlyn1. Harry potter was not the potters first child no he had an older brother who his parents named Simon Kris Potter, Harry was born 11 mouths after making him and his triplet brother and sister (names being Godric Rick and Rose Lilly) able to go to school with their older brother. His wife, Lily, was fussing over a little red head, who cried out loudly. Lavender gave him a withering look; she'd seen the eye roll. Harry, still under his cloak, cast a silent piercing hex aimed at Goyle's head. It hit said hand, and Harry threw the second ball just as Polkiss turned around. Smiling to his first two pupils he turned and with one of the Weasley firecrackers from his pocket he scared the group by throwing it into the middle of them. After Sirius is released from Azkaban, the two must relearn what they mean to each other and their place in this world. So, he seeks to jump back in time to save himself from a life of misery and fickle loyalty, maybe a little revenge and mysteries along the way. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Drama - Harry P. linkao3 (18394907) 2. She could feel him trembling underneath her hand. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger had already been in detention with her almost the entire week. Full Summary: When Harry is forced back to the Dursley's after defeating Voldemort during the Tri-Wizard tournament, he's faced with the worst abuse of his life. Furthermore, I understand that the Harry Potter books take place in the 1990's. Charlie would take care of Harry, and Merlin willing, Harry would live a long and happy life with this strong and caring man. James Potter held onto his youngest son tightly, shushing and rocking him to get the poor child to calm down. Voldemort nodded in approval. After a long summer, he was preparing for the students to return in less than a month. Warning: smut with plot. Chapter 1 – Fall Out. With the help of a confident, black-haired boy, Hogwarts will never be the same. - Chapters: 15 - Words: 24,387 - Reviews: 324 - Favs: 1,732 - Follows: 1,278 - Updated: Jun 16, 2013 Chapter Five: After dinner, Bill and Charlie had insisted on doing the dishes since Harry had cooked. Harry, who had broken down completely after being called a slut, leapt into Charlie's arms when his husband turned to him. But Harry thinks there was a darker reason he choose to continue fighting. Abused Harry Potter. Harry nodded and headed back to the Great Hall. After spending a summer with Snape, Harry begins his sixth year at Hogwarts. Now they're both returning to Hogwarts, and while Harry aches for a connection, Malfoy can't bear to be touched. Dec 31, 2022 · Books Harry Potter. Can Snape work out what is wrong? Chapter one. Time Travel! A Harry raises himself fic. Protect. Much more differently. He travels back in time; his new mission: Befriend Draco Malfoy and win the heart of Severus Snape. Even if they hate each others guts. Quicker than thought, Harry leapt on his broom and sped after the globe. Set during Season 6 Episode 'Cure'. Draco Malfoy was abandoned in Azkaban, where a plot to punish Death Eaters has left him more vulnerable than ever. To Love and Protect By: MusicMelis. It gets to the point that the first years refer to Hermione and Harry as Mum and Dad. The relationship that builds between them is one no one saw coming, but no one predicted the danger that would surely follow. Being an orphan sucks in a hundred different ways every day. Werewolf Remus Lupin. However, I am not entirely sure what year the Percy Jackson books are set in and I don't know where I would find out. Harry turned his head to the right, where the entrance is to see his Transfiguration Professor standing there rage in her eyes. - School Healer - Poppy Pomfrey. " "Well you'll just have to try your best. After returning from the Ministry of Magic after Sirius' death, Dumbledore sends Ginny in search of Harry. Unreliable Narrator. - Chapters: 38 - Words: 202,126 - Reviews: 1,878 - Favs: 5,534 Chapter 1. AU, OOC Completed. This is an AU story. Lily Potter sat in the rocking chair, a young Harry in her arms. Rated M. Albus had named the elder Potter twin the Boy Who Lived, but James knew better. When Harry's pain and fear break through the magic surrounding Azkaban Sirius knows what he must do to help his young godson. Harry sat slumped against the wall on the Astronomy Tower, he held his head in his hands as he felt himself breaking inside. Ten Year Lie. Even the Bloody Baron, as intimidating as he was, tried to protect the students. Enter Harry Potter, a human found on one of their temporary bases and adopted into the Tok'ra. Most of his few years he had spent being starved beaten and locked up, when he had cried out for help to the adults he met it usually resulted in extra beatings or far less food than he needed. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black fight for their relationship and to raise a fractured and abused Harry Potter. Post-War. "Bloody- OW," Seamus yelped, grasping his nose. The young Wizard was bawling his eyes out and constantly calling for his mother. sarcasm-gifted. "When I call your name, you'll come up to be sorted into your housing," McGonagall informed the first years as McGonagall lifted the sorting hat from the stool. Cedric Diggory was pissed and he made sure that everyone around him knew it. After Voldemort had died in the cemetery and Sirius had been cleared, Harry had thought Hermione, Neville, Fred and George. Harry becomes known as "the lone king" because his study group for the younger years evolves into him becoming a leader to them. And after all her help in the war, and his recent mental and financial issues, he realised he had a need for her. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley came to mind but there were others such as Neville Longbottom. M-rating for smut and language. He glanced behind him and there was a slight disappointment in his heart when his parents were unable to pass through the barrier. His injuries were still fresh and raw, and every movement reminded him of the violence he had endured. Not to say that all of the Gryffindors were so disloyal; Ron and Hermione stuck by his side. Well, they wouldn't take that abuse silently. - Words: 7,814 - Reviews: 43 - Favs Harry followed closely behind, smiling despite the insult. HPSSHPSS "I will expect two feet of parchment on the subject of werewolves upon our next lesson," Harry said over the sea of second years. He buried his face in the man's strong neck his legs wrapped around the muscled torso as he hung on for dear life. HP/GW. Jul 29, 2014 · I have since joined the Percy Jackson fandom and I've been wanting to write a crossover fanfiction for PJO and Harry Potter. Enter several young witches and wizards from England who working together just might have the answer. Bullied and scared, the first years band together to overcome the challenges that Hogwarts has brought. Neville was always on the outskirts of Harry's friends. Cowed, all of the boys went back to their breakfast — Ron, most noticeably, with his mouth shut. All the life-threatening dangers he had survived, and if they'd approved of the path he had chosen to pursue. Being one of the few connections he had from his father, he just stood there, wondering what Lily and James Potter would think about the cards life had dealt him. 1972. SSHP MPREG abuse Good!LV AD MW RW GW Bashing SLASH FEMSLASH. Whatever May Come. And when a magically talented Harry Potter arrives at Hogwarts, he attracts the unwanted attention of the Dark Lord. "' That wand's more trouble than it's worth,' said Harry. Potter, true to form, takes this as an open invitation to not only invade Draco's home, but also to drag Draco into the political mess that Wizarding Britain has become. "That ungrateful %*#&$#&$#&^" Ron Weasley snapped out about his former "best mate" Harry Potter. Her wand waving in even more intricate patterns, her lips moving slightly. Sirius was dead and it was all his fault. , Voldemort, Kreacher - Chapters: 3 - Words: 11,468 - Reviews: 63 - Favs: 555 Hermione has always stood by Harry throughout the years of their friendship, and Harry recollects on that, as well as his change of feelings for his best friend. This is my first time doing a Harry Potter story. Ron and Hermione both learn more about themselves and their assumptions about the wizarding world. Watch as this changes the course of history. Just because she was a baby, she got all of her father and mother's attention. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama It's not perfect, but for Draco, it's more than enough. I Will Protect You By: maisey2k10. Hermione had been his friend since Halloween first year when Ron had carelessly hurt her with his words, trying to impress Harry and cover his embarrassment at being outshone by a Muggleborn. Following a magnificent duel Harry is blackmailed into becoming his second apprentice. Sirius asks Bella to help him watch over Harry. It was time sorting, Professor McGonagall led the first years in to the great hall. Non-epilogue compliant, non-slash. Harry, over all the years, had grown to feel affectionate for Hermione. Story number 7665632. While sent on a mission to the United States, she meets 'The Fox. Harry walked out of his first Potions class, having almost completed his first week of school. There is an antidote but is the cure worse than the problem? Jul 25, 2020 · Harry never made it inside the Dursley's home that fateful night. The Muggleborn Children Protection Act By: RebeccaRoy. - Librarian - Madam Pince. Almost 15 years later, after being rescued from the Dursley's by Snape, Harry comes across a letter and necklace that will change everything. Charlie Weasley finds out what is going on and decides to help. He glared at the three Headmasters, Ministry officials, and even Professors Snape, Sprout, Moody, and McGonagall. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Friendship - Harry P. Slytherin Adoption By: thelilmama1986. 11 years after the final battle of the Second Wizarding War, Hermione finds herself working for the ministry of the New Order, lead by the King and Queen; Lord Voldemort and his wife. What the hell were Harry and Ron thinking "protecting" her from the boys of Hogwarts like some helpless damsel in distress! She could handle the attention very well, thank you very much! – Only Draco hadn't asked the duo for any help, he had much more pleasurable plans for Granger. Summary: Harry ponders his past, and at first, mysterious love of nature. Linkao3 (18179480) Previous_Room9814 • 3 yr. net. Although no one else would know by looking at his expression, since he'd learned to hide his feeling at the Dursleys, he was very disappointed. Watching Over Harry By: jerrway69. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Parody - Harry P. After they were caught by Filch after getting Norbert the baby dragon to the Astronomy Tower, Harry and Hermione felt the ire of the other students for losing those one hundred and fifty points total. Unexpected Truths By: slythermallow. Featuring: Unspoiled!Harry, OverprotectiveBrother!William, OverprotectiveFather!James, OCs Alert and slash! Oh and incest-which-isn't-actually-incest for Seven and 4 others go to Hogwarts to protect Harry Potter and friends. The Story Harry Potter and the Last Chance by LeQuin part of the story line has Harry doing the Prefect's job without being one. Books Harry Potter. Harry exchanged confused glances with Hermione and Ron as he finished packing up his stuff, but didn't make a move to leave the classroom. Hermione suffers a terrible attack and who should find her but one of Wizarding Britain's most eligible bachelors. After a brutal attack the summer before his third year, Harry discovers much about his family and his place in the world. Harry transfigured the corpse into a bone, put a disillusionment charm on it, and banished it away. Lily Potter looked down at her son, and bit her lip in worry over the fact that it had come to Snape looked up in time to see the troll's club coming straight at him. 'Girls,' their eye-roll said. To Protect Her Son From Beyond the Grave. Instead he is as smart as his mother and as confident as his father. - Words: 1,550 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 19 - Published: 11/14/2020 Chapter Seven – Defense Instructor Extraordinaire. Protection detail By: hbsj. Rated: Fiction T - English - Crime/Fantasy - Harry P. I write only to satisfy my imagination and use my creativity and make no money from my writings. With a last-minute roll he caught the ball before it hit the stone wall, and a sharp turn kept himself from hitting the wall. But it seems for the highly magical, being an orphan in the wizarding world can even affect your magic. Not long after the death of Sirius Black, Harry overhears a conversation, one that shocks him, but hurts him badly. The original is mjimeyg's, Potter's Protector. In Spite of Appearances (In Spite of Obstinate Men sequel) by Quatermass reviews. With the stress of the Tri-Wizard Tournament overwhelming him, Harry is introduced to a secret club in Gryffindor that might be the solution to all his problems. Strangers in the Snow. " Remus nodded squeezing his husband's hand. Hermione has started her new job in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and is handed a case that shakes her world view. Harry took the scarf without comment and sat down at the very end of the table. When Harry enters Hogwarts he is not the ignorant, naive child a certain wizard hoped him to be. The memory of what happened while he was making his way to stand trial, flashed through his mind. As they turn 12 Grimmauld Place into a real home, Harry finally gets to hear all about his father and mother. After years of accepting his trust in Sirius Black was misplaced, he had learned his loyalty to James McGonagall said in a lighter tone looking into Harry's eyes. I've given this story a M rating to be safe. McGonagall reacted quickly, pointing her wand at the troll. 5- Astronomy Professor - Aurora Sinestra. Centuries ago, before there was a Statute of Secrecy or a Ministry of Magic, Dragons roamed free. Also disregards the prophecy. Last year, a chance encounter brought together Harry Potter and Fleur Delacour, while her father exonerated Sirius Black. He managed to dodge to the side, but the club hit him with a glancing blow in the middle of his back. Apr 12, 2018 · Books Harry Potter. It surrounded the youngest Potter, wrapping him in a protective blanket. The Good Auror By: Spyridon. It was for more then just the Pack that Harry needed to live. Quitting By: White Angel of Auralon. With a hot sob, Harry lost his dinner. The ten little boys shrieked like girls and the rest of the people in the common room laughed. Going over to them Harry spoke softly. Albus Dumbledore sat in his office, reflecting on the year that had passed. A True Slytherin Rises By: MightyGryffindor. He did not dare say this to his aunt and uncle, because quite frankly, they would have been distraught and would rather that he died than lived. Originally published on AO3 in 2021. Self control Mr. Weasley's mollycoddling and he proves just how much he needs to know what is going on. A hush went over the room when the three re-entered and Harry made his way to the Slytherin table. Hogwarts was not going nearly as well as he'd hoped. Another week went by and Harry was starting to feel guilty. 4- Ancient Runes Professor - Bathsheda Babbling. , Bellatrix L. However, on July 25 1995, for the first time in many years, Albus Dumbledore truly found himself taken utterly by surprise when a mysterious man suddenly appeared in the middle of his office without warning. At the Quidditch World Cup, Harry learns of the upcoming Triwizard Tournament from Mr. He had lied to protect his younger one, to keep Harry out of the . No More Secrets By: sbmcneil. The United Front By: cynics-united. Nov 18, 2013 · As a feared authoritarian figure, he rules the Wizarding World and Hogwarts in the shadows. Redirection by the Heart By: MayumiCherokeeYaoiGirl. This made Harry realize that the first and second years were really getting the worst end of it. Sirius never liked her, she never cared a wit about the students, always aloof and in her own world. Salvation by NightLark93 reviews. Now, when he walked through corridors, a hushed silence reigned and few looked him in Feb 8, 2022 · Magical Blocks and Bonds By: raspberry dreams. When Draco and Lucius Malfoy meet Harry Potter at the train station, they definitely aren't expecting a shy, abused little boy who has a stuttering problem. And with that his body stiffens and his eyes seem to look straight through the professor. COMPLETE: OneShot: After the Second Battle of Hogwarts ends, everyone believes that Harry Potter joined the Auror force to protect their world and capture Dark Wizards. Nov 28, 2013 · Rita spouting lies, branded as a Dark wizard and goblins in a rage; Harry's had enough. At the mention of trusting or relying on adults Harry's thoughts are flooded with his family, being beaten, starved and essentially tortured at the hands of adults. Story is better than the summary, I promise! There will be Molly, Ron, and Ginny Weasley Chapter 1: The Legend Begins. , Percy W. Later in the story we will be joined by for people kids who seem to appear out of nowhere in the middle of dinner Rated: Fiction K - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 39 - Words: 96,341 - Reviews: 379 - Favs: 265 - Follows: 300 - Updated: 7/15/2017 - Published: 7/11 Chapter 1: A Sorting to Remember. NO MERCY. The troll's wooden club started to disintegrate, but to Harry's amazement it was turning into a colony of tiny ants. Malfoy threw his arm up, ready to protect his face as his expression became one of fright. remus lupin is a hot academic. Aug 16, 2022 · Books Harry Potter. "Mr Potter! Get off that broom and follow me. A Chance to Change By: MosukeHinata. Harry has a huge heart and I'm sure that you two can be happy together. Eleven year old Harry James Potter had lived a short unpleasant life so far. The day before he marries Ginny Harry goes to Gringotts; he uncovers the disturbing truth. Lily, understanding that her and James could die at any minute set up a protection on Harry that reacts 'interestedly' when he finally arrives at Hogwarts. With a deep exhale, Harry carefully eased himself out of bed, wincing at the pain that coursed through his body. But Snape is keeping an eye and a firm hand on him, and a new teacher, split loyalties and a looming fight with the Dark Lord await Harry. Malfoy," Hermione replied, laughing as he began to pout. Bella takes her responsibility to heart in more ways than one. Harry Potter was sitting in the last compartment in the last car of the Hogwarts Express still trying to piece together just how in the bloody hell his life had gotten so turned on its head. The result wasn't pretty. Eight years after Hogwarts, Harry recieves a letter from Dudley. The metal bin caught the mess and Harry slid a hand around his churning middle. AU, OOC Chapter One: First Year. - Words: 4,772 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 41 - Follows: 20 - Published: Nov 13, 2020 - Status: Complete - id Books Harry Potter. Rowling. Snape collapsed to the floor, his face grimacing in pain. Harry Potter spent the first year post-war being the hero everyone needed. The image of James Potter quickly comes crashing down in Harry's mind and he's left feeling completely lost and broken at the idea of being 'just like his father'. That is, until he makes the ill-advised decision to help a very drunk Harry Potter. Protective Slytherins. linkffn (11358664) Harry is stuck in a position of being tentatively allied to Voldemort after first year in Blood Crest. He was used to abuse but never in his entire life did Harry Potter believe that his family, his Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and cousin Dudley would leave him by himself. So whether he lives or dies, Harry makes sure everyone will hear the truth. It hit him right on his eyes, and Harry used the opportunity to jump into the nearest tree, climbing up and dumping the rest of his load (which wasn't very much Apr 17, 2018 · Potter couldn't move until he saw the boy rise awkwardly with the help of Thomas and two fifth-year girls. linkao3 (22022296) true. The only question is whether he will get to choose that place or not. Remus would protect the Pack better this time, he vowed. His best friends decide to take action after receiving a disturbing note. J K Rowling owns all the rights to the books and the amazing characters she created. Undersecretary Umbridge and Minister Fudge are getting a reality slap to the face when Voldemort appears in front of their faces, well mostly Umbridge. Harry could tell you that. Now, events at Hogwarts will test friendships old and new, as Voldemort conspires to make Harry the Fourth Champion of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Harry sees the light, and makes a dramatic change, starting with a talk with his aunt. Will Harry finally have the family he's always wanted. Assuming I did the math right. There was a loud crack. Lucius Malfoy. Being the Events in Parallel of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Book I. Hope you enjoy it. Harry was genuinely pleased to see that they were married, and they could live a happy life together. Harry feels betrayed, but decides not to act on what he heard, at least not straight away, he decides on some plans. McGonagall stopped him to hand him something. "Malfoy! Don't-!" Harry realized he was too late when Buckbeak reared up on his hind-legs, kicking his talon-tipped forelegs out. I purchased the Time Special Edition Harry Potter today, and it says that the first known Harry Potter fan-fiction story "Harry Potter and the man of unknown" was posted Sept 4th 1999 on fanfiction. "You needed to see me, sir," Harry prompted after a moment of silence. Draco teaches Harry of his fathers cruel bullying tendencies. It wasn't fair. This is a fanfic of a fanfic. Harry shot up in bed, his breathing quickening as he took in the sight of his room, his old room, in Riddle manor. Starting Over. Harry had never known just how fulfilling teaching could be. Harry hid behind a bush and threw the first ball of mud just as Polkiss' hand approached the doorbell. The OC is for anyone who wants to be part of the story as a: Wizard, Werewolf, Muggle-born, Mermaid (I'm adding half Mermaid Wizards in my story), Dragon raised Wizard (Adding in as well) and Angel or Demon raised Wizards (Adding in as well). "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he muttered over and over between gasping sobbing breaths. His mind drifted back to Harry and what had transpired back in June. I've read it a billion times, it's one of my favorites, and have been itching to rewrite it. AU, OOC Jul 15, 2020 · The Lust of Gryffindors By: Fearful Porpentine. He slowly turned towards the door and took in the disapproving faces of even Fred and George. Apr 28, 2021 · The older years she had in detention were asked to come back again at least one more night. It was always Albus Potter who comforted the young Seamus and Neville shared secretly exasperated looks with Harry and Ron. It was a heavy burden to carry, and sometimes Harry wondered if he could bear it any longer. I recommend that everyone go and read it and the sequels. Just about to apologise and try to explain himself, he found himself overcome with a deep weariness. Hermes Granger stared with wide eyes as the humongous scarlet Hogwarts Express greeted him when he passed through the barrier between Platforms 9 and 10. Most siblings around the same age are Title: Nature Protects Author: mariegilbert Gift For: Kylia Beta: Mistress Ashley Rating: PG Pairing: pre-Harry/Bill Warnings: Takes place in 7th year. Dragons were openly hunted and while they were hard to slay their numbers soon decreased. What does he want? A bit of something for everyone! Now completed! *update* Changes have been made till chapter 21. The night Voldemort attacked, Lily Potter had found a way to enhance an ancient magic that would protect her son as well as the caster from the killing curse. . * Deals with issues of domestic violence*. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Severus Falling to the ground with a wet gurgle, Goyle grabbed at his throat to try and stop from bleeding out. Ever since that first incident at the dueling club, Harry had been shunned out of fear at the Gryffindor table, and avoided like the plague by all the other houses. If you go to her webpage, on ffn, you will see that she gives blanket permission to do so. K. , Dolores U. Sequel to A Time and Place to Grow. This is how horrible his 'relatives' were, and to The story of the "missing" nineteen years, staying true to the details disclosed by J. The Magical world has a problem, with the muggles getting stronger every year they must figure out what is to be done with the Muggleborn. A quick HarryxHermione one-shot. Older Brother. The story starts with Harry returning to the Dursleys at the end of the OOTP. If they all thought that he was going to take what they were saying as the truth, then they had another thing coming. --What little that was left of the Pack was in danger from the one who destroyed the Pack in the first place. Harry's argument against Mrs. Harry Potter's new life with his godfather, Sirius Black, is the stuff his best dreams were made of. 7- Potions Professor (1981-1996) - Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor - Head of House (Slytherin) - Severus Snape. ago. When Lily Luna Potter was born, James Potter couldn't help but be a little cross with her. That was the story I was thinking about thank you. Buckbeak will be harmed if he gets Books Harry Potter. "Thank you. Harry Potter was 13 years old and a pretty happy person after he saved the philosopher's stone in his first year at Hogwarts. Filthy half-breed," a drawling voice taunted as the owner sauntered up to the hippogriff. Begins in fourth year, with characters aged up a year. Harry had only been playing in the park, albeit without his guardians' permission but when he looked toward the ice cream stand where his Jun 2, 2014 · Hi, everyone. CHAPTER 1 – GRINGOTTS. Rated: Fiction T - English - Harry P. Thank you for helping my Bambi, for being willing to bond yourself to him. James Potter. As Humans, magical and Muggle, branched out in the world the Dragons found their territory lessened. He will pick up a fiancée soon after, over a betrothal between the Black family, and the Greengrass. First Year Back By: phoenixgirl26. The Tok'ra are determined to do everything to save their queen from her mistreatment at the hands of the Pangarans. Lily Potter was dead, the faint trace of her magic in the air. "Susan Bones" "Hufflepuff" "Draco Mafloy Chapter 1. ' a seperate fighter for the same cause of the New Moony claimed Harry as his responsibility, as the last of the Pack left to guard their pup. Dumbledore and Snape bashing, minor Weasley bashing. It was the first time that his efforts had been recognized by Snape. For years and years, young James Potter would tease her, pull her hair, and say mean things to her. Sirius at first hadn't known what was happening when the guards had stormed his cell and portkeyed him to a full Wizengamot trial. Child Harry fic at beginning, father/son relationship. Ancient family magic was used to create a bond between Sirius Black and his godson Harry Potter. 6- Divination Professor - Firenze. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - Harry P. William is his older brother, James is still alive and together the two try and protect Harry from the world. pw ao xu xu yj pj ih ni gk ar