Girlfriend sold my stuff reddit

As the other guys said, there's no clear evidence that you are the person who she is not atractted to. You will need a paper trimmer and adhesive and their kits. The unofficial eBay subreddit. I previously told her before her dui she could use this vehicle because she would be covered under my fleet insurance. suaculpa. My live in girlfriend put zero dollars cash down but pays 'rent ADMIN MOD. Hi. There is a lot here. So much Botox have made some of these women’s faces look weird. We’ve had conversations about it, but it keeps happening. I think actual memory issues would show in all aspects of life. Once you're there there plenty of stuff to see on foot. edit 3: I texted her about it and she said she doesn't care if I make a profit because to her the jacket is worth $200. She showed up like 2 weeks later to give me my stuff back and was very causal about the whole thing. Exportxxx. Have hobbies, do things with your friends and family, say no to her once in a while (not a bad no, not a no to something really important to her) but always be kind and fun. After you finish your scrapbook, you will have a bunch of paper, stickers and embellishments left over. 2K votes, 437 comments. She also brings up my comments made on those subs semi regularly (every 2-4 weeks at least once), ive told her numerous times ever since she started accusing me of "still being in that phase" that it really pisses me off when she does because it feels like she is finding stuff to just hate on me for, but yet she does it. I got a call from her mom about 20 minutes ago and she told me that i was ruining her daughter's life over a stupid car. It was hers, he left it to her, she wasn't making as much money as him and couldn't afford the things she had to pay for if she didn't. They assured her it had passed all safety inspections, yadda, yadda, the usual speech. I met a friend in college and we had known each other for a week, and she gave me a drawing tablet bc she had upgraded, for free. My girlfriend sold my car because of a petty argument. However, especially recently, we are prone to getting into pointless and frankly debilitating arguments at ADMIN MOD. We were friends for more than a year but online because of COVID. It is. My gf wants me to spend money I don’t have. She was very abusive and toxic. Then after the moment is done change the subject and do something fun! Like a meme. Things just “clicked” pretty early on, and we got serious fast (we’ve My (26M) girlfriend (23F) has a severe shopping addiction. Jambzerino. I love my girlfriend and I 100% support her transition, but Jesus fucking Christ I’m so tired of her talking about trans things. We're heterosexual. I live with my wife of 6 years, and her 19 and 14 year old daughters. My girlfriend sold my PS4. To everything. My (23M) girlfriend (25F) gave me a Nintendo Switch last Christmas. My manager (F50), supervisor (F38), and I (F26) were talking about this, and they still wear some of the jewelry their exes have given them, and they're now married. Purchased a car in Massachusetts where one of the auto company's selling points was extra value in a second $500-700 key fob included with the car. Don’t ever come up as needy. My [26M] girlfriend [25F] keeps breaking my shit. Call the police and ask for help (an escort) moving your stuff out if you still have the key and recently left. I've been gathering documentation and stuff and I'm about to head down to the police station and file a report, as suggested by lots here. Not a day goes by where she doesn’t buy a bunch of clothes. I had a 1967 Impala 4 door that I bought in Feb 2019. I️ told her for it to work she has to keep me more informed with stuff in her life. However that red flag can be dimmed if they actually offer you something substantial in return other than "pretty girl affection". Every weekday after work, when my gf gets home, for about an hour straight (I'm not exaggerating that number) she, without stopping, talks about work. I had never said this to her before, and that was just icing on the cake of how fucked I was for slapping her. " I’ve got a specific space where my stuff goes like my wallet, keys and other necessities. kevin_r13. My girlfriend got a super expensive gift from another man. At 7 months in the relationship I decided to buy my girlfriend a bracelet that I saw while looking for a birthday gift for my little brother, it was 6 thousand dollars. I block her on all social networks, phone, email ect. If you already gave her the key back you can try seeing if the police can help but you're probably going to need to go to court. The thing is, I just feel like it's all a big waste of money. Don't be petty or throw it away because of other little things that don't really matter in the grand scheme of life. If my girlfriend mentions needing to have blood tests for a liver condition, that is not a small thing and I would remember. That way you can get rid of it quickly and make a few bucks. And when things are good, things are absolutely incredible. I’m the only one working right now because she just finished school a couple months ago and still looking for work. "Best" friend stole my stuff, so I sought revenge. It's extra scummy that he tried to make it sound like he paid for all of the materials in his title to make himself look less assholish when in reality he only sometimes pays for over 1/2 which means she usually pays for most or all of her own materials on top of investing her time and talent. Check out Club Scrap. Mistakenly I forgot my nieces birthday fell on that particular Friday and asked my girl if I could come up on the Saturday instead, she told me if I didn't come up on the Friday then I shouldn't bother at all. I have a couple vehicles mostly for work and my employees. When my partner and I meet in person, it rekindles our fire and our bond. • 4 yr. She offered me the $200 knowing I paid $100. She does the same to me when I leave her at home bored as I go out to my friends houses. We've been together for a year and a half now. She lies constantly about not buying anything but everyday there’s packages being delivered or she comes home from work holding shopping bags. Sounds like she is just worried about her future, with highschool ending for her soon. In your situation, I'd play it cool and wait for a couple weeks and see what's up. We live nearby (10 mins walk), so she visits my place If you put items on Craigslist for cheap then it will sell really quickly. Please help me get my stuff back. I need help. AITA For suing my girlfriend after she had my 1967 impala project taken to the scrapyard? - 27 May 2020 I'll try to keep this short. This happened in 2020. Learning about her and what she does. I (18m) moved out of my parents house and moved in with my girlfriend after my mom (41f) sold my PC and all of my… Just have your own life. She might be considering breaking up with you if she is moving to University/College. That’s exactly what OP is doing and out of habit, his spouse is putting shit away and fucking with it. She never asks anything deeper about me except "How was your day My girlfriend (Lilly) lives with her roommates, but if I’m being honest she basically lives over here 80 percent of the time. [new] I love my girlfriend but she is SO. My girlfriend was sold a car with a verbal promise of a second key fob valued at close to $500-700 but when we received the car, they told us they had mixed up the car. •. A few months ago my girlfriend bought a Nissan Leaf from Campus Nissan. Take photos of the letters and put them in a secret album, and you can burn the photos. She's making roughly $11/hr at 40 hrs/week. My life was over, my friends would never speak to me again, her boyfriend would probably kick the shit out of me. So 2 years ago my girlfriend gifted me a pair of Jordans that I she knew I liked for my birthday. Tried looking around but what I found was stuff that was cheap or just not what we wanted. From this came her suggestion to sell my desktop computer "since you only need a laptop" - note that I have owned this computer for 10 years and built it myself. So my girlfriend got a dui and lost her license and car. So the one truck is taking my stuff to my friends house. I sold my girlfriends stuff after she stole 350$ dollars from me. We had huge problems over it a year ago and we nearly broke up (over more things than just this). I have known my girlfriend Cindy for a couple years before we started dating. My girlfriend (Who I’m not with anymore obviously) who I’ll call Viola, lived with me at the time. My ex and I broke up 3 months ago about a month after I went to pick up my things but I had to leave some stuff behind because they were too large and I didn't have the means to get them out. My [22 M] girlfriend [23 F] has expensive tastes and I am getting tired of it. A person who works for their money (in my experience) doesn't waste it on others for "shits and giggles". It was a really fucked up situation. While the other truck is taking all her stuff to a storage locker. When we go on a date I want to pay, it’s take hours to convince her to let me pay, I offered to Times like these, my partner and I schedule a meet up. ADMIN MOD. I'm glad I have some people on my side. My girlfriend buys me stuff but won’t let me buy her stuff. 128K subscribers in the Ebay community. Saying it out loud maybe doesn't sound like a good idea but I've spent more on some truly ridiculous stuff, but for my budget it really wasn't as bad as it sounds. Don't know if there is enough value in those items to make it worth your while. Though we are taking our time to get to know each other, we are committed to each other and do see that there should be a future for us. Purchase price was $560,000. After reading through everyone's amazing stories, I figured I should share my own !! tldr; my best friend of 15 years illegally kicks me out, steals my stuff, and then thinks he can run from judgement when i become a diy lawyer. My kids live with their mom and… It seems to costs between $70 and $85 new and you've used yours for two years. John My girlfriend buys me stuff but won’t let me buy her stuff. It's fully open-source and customizable so you can extend it in whatever way you like. Hi reddit. Panicking, I went into recovery mode. 2 days before his passing he told me over the phone he wanted to gift me the car as it has sentimental value to me, immediately I could hear his girlfriend in the background complaining that she needed to sell it because she needs the Me and my girlfriend wanted to get this but it’s completely sold out on lovehoney, I was wondering if anyone knew of anything similar or just suggestion for other quality sites that have similar stuff. I (32M) and my gf (23F) have been together for 7 months and are absolutely in love. My (25M) girlfriend (25F) has a real control problem. Debt. My girlfriend was just raped. Hi there Reddit, I had a hard time phrasing the title because it's more of a general vibe/lifestyle my gf is exhibiting than exclusively about hobbies, but hopefully I can make myself clear. When you start to buy all the paper, stickers, embellishments at a craft store, it really adds up. I don’t think your gf hates you or wants to break. But when they're expected then that's a huge red flag. this could happen with things like bath robes, shirts and tshirts, even ties or jewelry. What is her deal? [new] Pretty petty but I have a couple things that a girl I was dating has. edited for typos and apologies for the rambling. I am making the leap that you guys are common-law, and as such, all possessions basically belong to you guys as a couple, not GWAG05. It’s a PS4 pro with 500$ worth of games on the hard drive. Adding a girlfriend to the mix always complicates things, but even if you aren't with a GF, this stuff still REALLY MATTERS. Tbh I wouldn't just ghost that isn't cool, I'd talk to her say im not happy this isn't what I thought was gonna happen on our holiday so im gonna go home, u stay with your friends and if u wanna work stuff out u know where I'll be. ago. One is a book that was given to me as a gift by a now deceased family member, so sentimental value. My father passed away early last month. I understand why she does, and I know this is a huge and exciting and nerve wracking part of her life, but I feel like I can’t talk with her at all anymore. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver edit 2: I told her I was putting it up for sell, without mentioning a price. You want her to feel that every time she’s around you her life is better. I had something similar happen to me where out of the blue my GF dumped me and ghosted me. I dont know what to do. There's two things to discuss here : - the fact that he still has his ex's stuff and that makes you feel insecure. Welcome to the Animal Crossing subreddit! The subreddit dedicated to the Animal Crossing video game… Hmm. Even putting the expensive stuff aside she ADMIN MOD. I (24M) met my girlfriend (25F) both are in college and met IRL last month. She definitely doesn’t have to tell me every 2M subscribers in the AnimalCrossing community. She’s the kind of person who has to have things a certain way or she starts freaking out. $10,000 is from a car loan with 3% interest and $16,000 from student loans with ~5-6% interest. It loves to hack digital stuff around such as radio protocols, access control systems, hardware and more. If done respectfully, it works. We dated from March of 2020 to December of 2020. If you live in a colder climate this time of year, set it up like a picnic in your living room. I put $130,000 cash down and the mortgage payment is roughly $2800 per month. We’ve been dating for almost 4 months (so not very long). Buying gifts is fine. So for a little background I (19m) moved to another country to be with my gf (19f)of 3 years. A… I love my girlfriend but a few hours ago we had a bit of an argument about money, the usual stuff - we're a couple of hundred up from our budget etc - I'm sure most couples go through it. She’s one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met, and despite this fight, I still love her so much. We were lucky enough that my girlfriend's parents paid for our flights as a gift (£350 each return) otherwise we probably couldn't have gone. She said that if I go to her again, she’ll backhand me and steal my dog, Kevin! I need to get my blankets back! My bed is naked, and I’m cold as I dont know what to do : r/AskReddit. Reddit is a network of communities where people can dive into their interests, hobbies and passions. However due to work and other responsibilities, I’ve been trying to cut back on gaming, though I still pick it up from time to time to destress. This isn't theft. - the fact that you don't want to move into the house with all this stuff being there. I found out in a note she left me on a Saturday morning after a wonderful date and some make up sex the night 10M subscribers in the relationship_advice community. She actually lives in Vancouver, so she brought the car over to the mainland. A couple months ago I bought my first house that had a 2. Join. Ex (27f) won't give me my stuff back (30m. The cost of a ferry between islands is $30 one way. We met each other at a party and kept each other on Facebook. I can see how it is tricky, but both of you are entitled to an opinion and those can be different. Hoosierdaddy1964. I am now suing her. Posted by u/BrokenPanda02 - 4 votes and 1 comment . She knows I love video games and sometimes we even play together. So two weeks ago I was exploring Marketplace and ran into a funny listing, it turned out to be my ex-girlfriend selling all the stuff I once gifted to her when we were in 2nd year of college. But still, the phone hiding is bad news most of the times. But having a good lawyer and a good accountant can save you PILES of money down the road. The only thing that you can do is to lead by example. 15:30 trucks are packed and all is good. Please read the rules… SOMOEAGLE. Back off, let her contact you. In the mornings, she’s always asking me how she looks Make a gift basket with a bottle of champagne, other favorite drinks, favorite snack foods, a movie she loves, maybe a gift card for a place where you can order delivery, and a note saying something like "One lazy afternoon with [your name here]". 3. Now I mention this because I know Cindy would usually jump into bed with the guys she dated. Things have ended up taking way longer then expected for my papers to be able to work a real job so I’ve been doing smaller stuff to make at least some money but it’s not really enough for The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Well shit, I was really in a pickle there. So, for a bit of context: My girlfriend and i have known eachother for around 4 years, but started dating during 2021. 6. Your ex can gas on about things being hers or about what she thinks you owe her, but if it goes in a box and goes with you when you leave, then it's up to her to go to court and to persuade a judge - over your evidence that those things were yours - are in fact hers and that she should be entitled to In my state, you'd have to notify your ex-gf of your intentions, give her thirty days, and you could then toss or sell her property. Edit to make it relative to the post: My mom also sold some of his stuff. Its all the plan from B, once he leaves she will talk GF to break up. Perhaps you could have a conversation If you didn’t take it with you the first time…it’s not worth it. She just called me this morning, which was unusual, and said "well, I just got back from the hospital I had a rape kit done. There's a community for whatever you're interested in on Reddit. not weird if the gifts were things you can use regularly. English is not my first language so I apologize beforehand for the grammar or if something is not very clear. Regarding the first issue : if he tells you he's over it, then you have to trust him OP. Maybe you can ask her directly when she's complaining like "do you want comfort or advice right now". May 16, 2023 · A furious man has explained why he's taking legal action against his ex-girlfriend after she sold his family's prized pickup truck to a junkyard, just to get back at him over an argument. I'm currently paying rent and utilities, so she only uses her money for food, entertainment, and miscellaneous expenses. Long story short, my girlfriend and her old roommate didn't get along and that old roommate left, and also left a bunch of stuff at the house. If not, stop wasting your time and energy. Early today/ yesterday while I was at the gym with my friend (mike) she texted me that she had an “old friend” she hasn’t seen in awhile that’s in town and that it would be nice to have a quiet place to catch up. She breaks so much of my stuff it doesn't seem like an accident anymore. You can just say stuff like "I feel you/hear you" and assure her that you don't mind her venting to you. And it might cost a bit of money up front, and you won't want to pay it. We get along amazingly well and have had 0 problems TLDR: My (26 M) girlfriend (24 F) gets angry over what I perceive to be very minor things, and it’s starting to put a strain on our relationship. YTA all the way OP. Two weeks ago it was her 23th birthday. notevenapro. I managed to to pacify my niece with an early present and went down on the Friday. I moved the car in and started tearing it down for a complete restoration. A quick google shows that in NZ, one must have a 4 year degree and at least 4 years work experience to go to law school there. If you send a picture and tell them they have a deadline to pick it up. tl, dr: GF leaves random things at my place seemingly on purpose. Then leave it at that and follow through. My girlfriend isn't trying to suck all my money away from me. 1. It’s easy to forget things (for some people and like me) if they don’t see that person/place/thing everyday or often. The rest is replaceable but her not giving it back is frustrating. Don't think that's accurate for a LLB, but it would surely require a good number of NCEA level 3 credits and it would be weird to have racked up enough without completing year 13. About 2 years ago my girlfriend and I went to the country music hall of fame and bought this mug. 5 car garage. Relationships. And wait to see what she offers you (other than a pretty girl's attention) to balance the relationship. Broke up with my girlfriend tonight so she absolutely trashed my apartment. Something so simple as human touch, compassion, and companionship is worth more than anything else in the world. We had a great weekend and she appreciated the sacrifice. This current problem isn’t our most severe ever but here it goes. TL;DR Long time GF keeps bringing up past issues even when she says they're resolved and promises to not bring it up again We have been dating for almost 3 years, and we've both made mistakes that have hurt each other. $50 was not a fair price and I'd be surprised if you could sell it for that prize to anyone else than your gf. Help for buyers and sellers. I [21/M] an constantly fighting over petty things with my girlfriend [22/F] So essentially me and my girlfriend have been dating for 2 years, and most of the time things are good. I (m27) met my gf(f24) almost 2 years ago . r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Depends on what you call small things. With Club Scrap you won't have much left over, maybe a stencil my other half and I often take eachother for granted so we call eachother on it when it happens. AITAH for not putting my girlfriend's name on my house deed? I just bought a house in Key West, Florida, the town I have lived in for almost 15 years. We were fighting and she was mad so she sold it for 300$. Recently her roommate broke it and I was wondering if anyone could help me find a place where it’s being sold! We also talk about our favorite video games or politics. Now it’s 85% day to day stuff, 10% love stuff, and the same 5% helping my girlfriend with her problems. 16:30 My friend goes over to the guy who she cheated on me with, gives him the key to the storage locker and tell him what I did. I'm 22 and she's 20. If she is being demanding and curt with me or otherwise acting like I am not valuable to her I straight up tell her. 6K votes, 778 comments. Don't waste it. I didn't know she was going to make an offer and I wasn't bargaining with her. 31. My girlfriend never asks or inquires ANYTHING about me. If you've got it, if you have someone that loves you - don't give that up. At first it was fun. We started seeing each other six months ago and we only started having sex in March. She ignored my messages since then until today when I wished her a happy birthday. By cheap, I mean 10 - 20% of the new price. She pinches pennies and gets upset if we have to drop a lot of money on even necessary expenses, even though we’re both Don't insist either. My girlfriend and I have been dating for over two years. Thanks. I recently found out that my girlfriend has roughly $26,000 of debt. Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or… Posted by u/Express_Reach_4331 - 2 votes and 4 comments My recently deceased fathers girlfriend sold the car he left for me. I (18m) have the best girlfriend (18f) ever, we love each other been together for two months and it’s going amazing, I was her first kiss, we are having a great time just one issue. It’s unfair to ask her to get rid of her things if she wants to keep them, especially if they make her happy. Address your feelings with your girlfriend. I read a story of someone who bought a couch, the next day her sons like mum there's a cat in here, she thinks it's his imaginary friend which happens to be a cat but he is adamant it's real, then her dogs starts barking so she goes to see what's going on, looks under the couch and sees a cat hiding under it lol, so she text the seller "this sounds silly but I have a cat here and I don't know Full blankets. but your new gf may have something to say about it, including she may want to gift you the same thing so that you use her item and not the ex's item. When we started dating, it was maybe 5% day to day stuff, 90% lovey dovey stuff, and 5% me helping my girlfriend with whatever she was facing at the time. I liked it alot. Members Online 2. There's always a reason behind it and it's probably he wants to impress her into dating him. I was 18-19 at the time. Our relationship has always been great and we get along really well. Things were great from the start. Sell the jewelry if you want. The day after I got my iPad Pro she broke it, she broke my phone twice, she dropped my laptop and dented it, she broke my other iPad, all since she moved in with me in February. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Most likely, if you want to recover the value of the items she won't return, it will be a small claims court issue. I told her she ruined her own life. Reactive. My (m42) girlfriend (f42) sold my PS4 last week when I was at work. You’ve just got to hope that she sees how much simpler life is for you and agrees to give minimalism a try, but until then it is what it is. I’m so frustrated with her, like, I’m trying to be nice, man! She stole a whole couch pillow once! I went to her today about it and she strait up slapped me across the face. I hate when people try to sell old stuff at 95% of the price of a new one. My girlfriend is always hiding stuff from me. When we go on a date I want to pay, it’s take hours to convince her to let me pay, I offered to The bottom line here is that if you are moving out, pack your stuff and take it with you. I know. In fact, she's probably put in as much if not more money into the relationship than I have. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Here is the summary about us. She basically stole my stuff to use it as leverage to get me to take her off the lease but I didn’t take her off yet because she broke the sink and I wanted her to pay for it now she went back to deltona with her parents with all my stuff. Anyway, my mom had to file a police report to get her dead husband's shit back from his own children. But nowadays, I realized how uninterested in my life she is. Reply reply. just-some-guy-4212. If you were to sell it, you may need to pass the remainder of the proceeds to her after the cost of storage and sales have been deducted. . If she wants to spend time with you, she will reach out. Don't get me wrong. It’s basically in a small basket and it keeps things looking tidy while being somewhere it can be found again when needed. We have been living together since February. TLDR - Girlfriend keeps bringing stuff up from my past and fights me time and again which is making me question the future of this relationship. Fast forward to today, we are planning to move to a new apartment by the end of the month because our current lease is ending. Throwaway because some people know my main. One being a Honda pilot I occasionally used when I didn't want to drive the truck. What are your bitter breakup stories? There's a hole in the wall, all of my clothes were everywhere, personal mementos that I've had since I was a kid were broken. fu pt kn nv go xu fn mw tn wu